Leave Your Mark
The Wall of Success is a commemorative plaque that displays the names of University of Arizona graduates who benefited from participation in the SALT Center. This honorary plaque hangs in the second-floor lobby of the Patricia A. Bartlett building. Designed to reflect the achievements of our alumni and the evolution of our program, the SALT Center Wall of Success grows with each new graduating class. These names inspire students, staff, and visitors by reminding them of the limitless potential of students who learn differently.
A Lasting Legacy
All University of Arizona graduates who utilized SALT Center services are invited to place their name on the Wall of Success by making a legacy gift of $500. Your contribution to the Wall of Success advances innovative programming through the SALT Center General Fund, ensuring future academic support that is truly beyond compare.
To make your gift by credit card, please click here. To ensure the funds are deposited and tracked correctly, please ensure that you select $500 (towards Program Support) and in the "Tribute Information" section towards the bottom, enter your student's name.
You may also make your check out to the University of Arizona Foundation, and mail the check to the following address. Please ensure you write "Wall of Success" and your student's name in the memo section of the check.
The University of Arizona SALT CenterPO Box 210136 1010 N. Highland Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85721-0136